Cataclysm Classic Gladiator Title Boost

  • Region

    Boost Method

    PvP Gear Farm

    15 minutes Average Start Time
    End of season order completion

Secure Payment

Whenever a new PVP season comes out, the first thing we look at is the new obtainable set and of course the Gladiator mount. Getting the Gladiator title and mount carries a dose of prestige, but more than that it carries the weight of knowing that every season has a unique and specific mount that can only be obtained during that season.

Our Cataclysm Classic Gladiator Title Boost service guarantees that your character will get into the top 0,5% of the 3v3 arena ladder from the season you purchased it in via the PILOTED or Order a Character method. We are collaborating with some of the best and most experienced players in the World of Warcraft PVP universe, who will log your account and make sure that you reach Gladiator and all the rewards that come with it.

How does the Cataclysm Classic Gladiator Title Boost work? 

There are two different ways of obtaining Gladiator in Cataclysm Classic with our boosting services. Those are:

Option 1: Gladiator Title Boost

With this option, we will find a booster that will log your account and obtain the Gladiator mount & title for you. We will connect to your account via a VPN. You do not lose access to your account after purchasing this service.

Bear in mind that this is an account-sharing service and it’s against Blizzard ToS, so if you think you have the necessary skill and time to invest, we strongly advise our Coaching services since they are much safer.

The service is considered completed season ends and your character is within the top 0.5% of the 3v3 ladder

Option 2: Order a Gladiator character

With this option, you should make a fresh account on your, and our booster will log it, make a fresh character and obtain the Gladiator mount & title for you.

After the Gladiator is obtained, the account stays on your and you get all the rewards on your main account as well.

The service is considered completed once the Gladiator has been reached.

The service is considered completed season ends and your character is within the top 0.5% of the 3v3 ladder

Cataclysm Classic Gladiator title boost service doesn’t come with a time constraint as the rewards are handled 2 weeks after the current season ends. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Before making the purchase, make sure to consult our support on Discord. Depending on the time left in the season we will advise the best course of action and let you know if we can guarantee the title or not.
  • You will be informed every step of the way, and you will be able to ask and keep track of the progress of the character during the service.
  • If you pick the account-sharing method, we advise minimizing the amount of time you log into the account, it would be best not to do it at all to avoid any potential issues.
Please note that these services carry a certain risk – for detailed information make sure that you contact our Discord support.

These services guarantee ratings and rewards, it’s simply because the boosters we collaborate with are certain of their abilities and are experienced enough to reach these goals for you with ease.
These services were made due to many people not having the skill, experience or time to reach Gladiator themselves, but by purchasing this service you will be able to obtain the rewards regardless.
On the other hand, if you think that your skill level is high enough, and you have the time, then we certainly advise the safer course of action by going with our Coaching services.

Why should I get the Cataclysm Classic Gladiator Boost?

These services were made due to many people not having the skill, experience, or time to reach Gladiator themselves, but by purchasing this service you will be able to obtain the rewards regardless.
On the other hand, if you think that your skill level is high enough, and you have the time, then we certainly advise the safer course of action by going with our coaching services.

The only thing left is to make a purchase, get in touch with us and we will handle the rest!



There are a couple of requirements that should be met to make the service successful, or in some cases to speed the delivery of the service itself.


For Option 1: Gladiator Title Boost (Piloted)

  • Having an active WoW account
  • Provide us with the necessary information on Discord
  • When it comes to gear requirements, we advise having full HONOR gear and the maximum amount of current season pieces that are available at the time when you start the service. However, if you do not have the required gear, you can simply check the option and we will do it instead of you!

For Option 2: Order a Gladiator character

  • Make the purchase
  • Contact our Discord support to share all the necessary information