Therazane Reputation Boost

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    Therazane Questline

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    1-5 days order completion

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With the release of Cataclysm comes Therazane, a faction from Deepholm named after its leader Therazane the Stonemother. Farming Therazane reputation will unlock various items and enchants for you to use. In Cata, earning a reputation with Therazane is done through doing quests they offer and engaging in content within Deepholm. Once you obtain friendly, you can unlock the Tabard of Therazane that allows you to farm reputation through dungeons significantly increasing the pace at which you farm the reputation.

While the reputation grind can be quite boring, especially doing repetitive things like daily quests or dungeons, there is a solution. Buy Therazane Boost in Cata Classic and we’ll handle the farm for you. Our boosters always follow the quickest and most time-effective path toward reaching the reputation level of your choosing, making sure that you can reap the rewards from Therazane quickly.

Earn the following rewards by getting a Therazane reputation boost:

If you are Exalted with Therazane:

If you are Revered with Therazane:

If you are Friendly with Therazane, you get the same enchants as on Exalted but of rare quality:

Note that you can select your current reputation level as well as the exact progress you have within that level as well as the desired level you want. The price of the Cata Therazane farming boost will be lowered if you already have some reputation progress!

Order your Therazane Reputation Boost in WoW Classic Cataclysm from InstantCarry. Save time and enjoy the game!



  • Level 85 character in Cataclysm Classic